
Our Vision

OUR HEART is for The Bridge Church to become a people who. . .

GATHER . . . TO LOVE God, each other, and our community
GROW . . . TO MATURE in Christ and in His Word
GIVE . . . TO OFFER ourselves with our Time, Talent, Tithe, and offerings
GO . . . TO SHARE the gospel beginning with our neighbor all the way to the ends of the earth

"You are the light of the world - like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden."  Matthew 5:14 NLT

Our Values

Love God & Love People

The Bridge Church is passionate about leading people to Christ and helping them discover His purpose for their life. That’s how we’re able to make a difference, and it’s the driving force behind everything we do. We are intentional about helping people get plugged-in to a local church body and experience the transformation that comes from a living, loving, relationship with Jesus. 

Evangelism & Outreach

We believe the church is the body of Christ. As such, each of us should touch the world around us with the love of Jesus.  We at The Bridge Church gather to go and send disciples beyond the four walls of the church building.

Missions & Sending

We desire every tribe, nation, tongue and people to know that they were created to love God and be loved by Him.  Ten percent of every dollar given to The Bridge Church is sown into missions locally, nationally, and around the world.

Our Beliefs

We can be flexible with our system and processes and constantly change our methods if we desire to be relevant in our community.  But when it comes to our beliefs, these are the unchanging non-negotiables that ground us at The Bridge Church.

Our Team


Preston & Karla Smith

Lead Pastor
Preston was born and raised south of New Orleans, Louisiana. Most of his family still reside in the area. Preston met Karla in May 1985. She was born in Wauseon, Ohio. They were married in February 1986. They have one adult son, Dakoda, a university English professor. Preston and Karla reside in Fort Smith, Arkansas. 
On January 8, 2017 with a few likeminded friends; Preston and Karla planted The Bridge Church. It is an interdenominational spirit filled church in Fort Smith.
Preston started preaching in 1976 at age sixteen in youth ministry. Since that time, he has been a pastor, teacher, missionary and business owner. Preston has been privileged to be on staff at some wonderful ministries in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.  
He was the Executive Director of the Arkansas Youth Ministers Network, a support and encouragement ministry for youth ministers, teens, and parents. Preston is the founder of Next Generation Ministries, a missions-based leadership training organization that placed him nationally and internationally doing what he loves most - leadership development. 
Returning to Fort Smith has presented a somewhat dream come true effect. On the final day of their return to Fort Smith as they crossed from Oklahoma into Arkansas on the Garrison Avenue Bridge Karla proclaimed, “Home Sweet Home!”
It is their hearts desire to see people restored, revived, cared for and loved. As Pastor would say, “Loving and Caring for people is not a “preacher” thing… It is a Christian thing!”

Our Elders

Our elders are members set apart to Shepherd, Equip, Oversee and Govern members and attenders of The Bridge Church

Tom & Susan Abbott


Charlie & Vonnie Proctor


Contact Us
The bridge church

ServIce TimeS

Sunday WorshipSundays @ 10 am

(Online & In-Person)                                meeting at Festivity 8400 Massard Road

Youth Service Sundays after worship

(In-Person Only)

Upper Room Prayer                                                        Wednesdays @ 6 pm

(Online & In-Person)                                                                 7607 Howard Hill Road

Contact Information

AddressPO Box 180278

Fort Smith, AR 72918

