I am the Resurrection and the Life.
I am the Resurrection and the Life. . . John 11:25
In Judaism, "I AM" is unquestionably understoo...
I am the Good Shepherd.
I am the Good Shepherd . . . John 10:10-14
"I am the good shepherd" is the fourth of se...
I am the Door. . . John 10:7
I am the Door . . . John 10:1-10
"I am the DOOR" is the third of seven "I AM" declarations of J...
I am the Light of the World.
I am the Light of the World. . . John 8:12
"I am the Light of the world" is the second of seven "...
The 7 I AM's of Jesus
The 7 I am's of Jesus . . . Matthew 22:32
John 8:58
Matthew 28:20
John 18:4-6
The Bread ...
Turn in Your Trumpet!
Turn in Your Trumpet!
Judges 6 & 7 will change your life!
The Midianites were evil & c...
THANK YOU FATHER! . . . Colossians 1:11-14
You will be STRENGTHENED . . . vs. 11