I am the Light of the World.
I am the Light of the World. . . John 8:12
"I am the Light of the world" is the second of seven "I AM" declarations of Jesus.
- There are 2 types of Light in the world.
- Natural Light
- Spiritual Light
- Physical Light is necessary for physical life.
- 8 minutes at 186, 282 miles per second!
- We receive the light . . . and we take it into the world to dispel darkness!
- That's the condition behind having this light - that we follow Him . . . into the harvest of souls fulfilling Jesus divine destiny!
- Jesus will never lead you into darkness!
Matthew 5:14-16
1 Peter 3:15-16
The Gospel Light we have is not to be covered, but made obvious for all to see and benefit from, that they, too, may leave the darkness and come into the Light.