Mammon Part 3
Breaking the Spirit of Mammon . . . Luke 16:9-13
What DO I DO with Money?
What is Mammon? . . . Mammon is an Aramaic word describing the Babylonian god of riches.
Is Money Evil? . . . 1 Timothy 6:10
Is Money Evil? NO!! " . . . the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil . . ."
When you worship money - or when you worship the spirit of mammon . . Your loving worship of riches is your god.
All money either has the spirit of mammon on it or The Anointing Of The Holy Spirit On It! . . . Luke 16:9
When you tithe and give offerings your money is anointed to win ETERNAL SOULS for God's Kingdom.
What DO I DO with Money?
Be a Good Steward . . . A Good Manager of What You Have. . . Luke 16:10-12
Revelation 2:4-5
What is our Lampstand as a Church?