Turn in Your Trumpet!
Turn in Your Trumpet!
Judges 6 & 7 will change your life!
The Midianites were evil & cruel. Judges 6:2
Starvation Always leads to desperation. Judges 6:6
God loves sending Angels to you. Judges 6:11
Gideon was working when God called him. Judges 6:11
God sees you as a Mighty Hero. Judges 6:12
Go in this Thy Might. Judges 6:14
God doesn't need to hear you degrade yourself. Judges 6:15
Five powerful words from God to your fear, "I will be with you." Judges 6:16
The Spirit took control of Gideon. Judges 6:34
Fleece. Judges 6:37
God said, "You have too many in your army, you will brag if you win." Judges 7:2
Tell the fearful to go home. Judges 7:3
22,000 went back to Moomma!
God saw 10k000 as still too many. Judges 7:4 "Test them at the River."
Only 300 were champion warriors. Judges 7:6
The losers had to turn in their trumpets. Judges 7:8
God wants you to release anxiety. Judges 7:10
The miracle of the bread roll! Judges 7:13
Gideon, "Do what I do." Judges 7:17
Three massive weapons: TRUMPETS, PITCHERS of FIRE, and SHOUTS! Judges 7:20