Who is the Bridge Church?

Who is the Bridge Church?   John 1:51

We are The Bridge Church!

Jesus is the bridge to mankind.

The Church (all believers) is the bridge to the community and to the world!

Our mission is as simple as A-B-C




We accept  . . . people just like they are.  Every person is created in the image of God.  We all need Jesus and the work he did on the cross!

We believe . . . in the people God created.  God made every person with purpose.  We help people discover why God created them!

We care . . . [Love] is the foundation of relating to people and their needs.

We love people because Jesus first loved us!

I want you to hear my heartbeat this morning . . . I want you to know and understand what moves me as your leader . . . In 2014 while in my prayer closet Holy Spirit spoke a word to me . . .

Acts 20:22-24 [MSG] "But there is another urgency before me now.  I feel compelled to go to Jerusalem. [Fort Smith] I'm completely in the dark about what will happen when I get there. I do know that it won't be any picnic, [hard work breeds success] for the Holy Spirit has let me know repeatedly and clearly that there are hard times and imprisonment ahead.  But that matters little.  What matters most to me is to finishwat God started.:  The job The Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God . . ." 

2 Corinthians 8:11

Micah 6:8