Wilderness Wandering 3
Wilderness Wanderings . . . Be Wise . . . John 10:10
- TO STEAL . . .The thief just wants to ruin anything in your life he can get his hands on! The word "thief" comes from the Greek word klepto, which means to steal.
- TO KILL . . .At first glance, it appears that this means to kill, as to take someone's life. But the Greek word is thuo, which means to sacrifice. It could mean to sacrifice; to surrender; or to give up something that is precious and dear.
- DESTROY . . . Then Jesus went on to say that the thief also comes "to destroy". The word "destroy" is from the Greek word apollumi [a-polla-me]. It carries the idea of something that is trained, wasted, trashed, devastated, and destroyed.
“The thief wants to get his hands into every good thing in your life. In fact, this pickpocket is looking for any opportunity to wiggle his way so deeply into your personal affairs that he can walk off with everything you hold precious and dear. And that’s not all — when he’s finished stealing all your goods and possessions, he’ll take his plan to rob you blind to the next level. He’ll create conditions and situations so horrible that you’ll see no way to solve the problem except to sacrifice everything that remains from his previous attacks. The goal of this thief is to totally waste and devastate your life. If nothing stops him, he’ll leave you insolvent, flat broke, and cleaned out in every area of your life. You’ll end up feeling as if you are finished and out of business!
Make no mistake — the enemy’s ultimate aim is to obliterate you….” BUT… THAT’S NOT THE END OF THE STORY…
JOHN 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
The words “they might have” are from the Greek tense that means to have and to continually possess. “…But I came that they might have, keep, and constantly retain a vitality, gusto, vigor, and zest for living that springs up from deep down inside. I came that they might embrace this unrivaled, unequaled, matchless, incomparable, richly loaded and overflowing life to the ultimate maximum!”