Understanding the meaning of Water Baptism . . . Part 3

Understanding the meaning of  . . .  Water Baptism . . . Matthew 28:19-20

Souls Saved . . . Disciples Made!

Matthew 3:16-17

At the Baptism of Jesus 4 Things Happened.

  1. Prophecy was Fulfilled.
  2. The Trinity was Revealed.
  3. Jesus Identified with Sinful Humanity.
  4. The Father is Pleased.

your Identity in Christ is Expressed through - Water Baptism. . . Matthew 3:13-16

When we study the Baptism of Jesus . . . When we understand as a new creation . . . He gives us our Identity.

Who should be Water Baptized?

Why should I be Water Baptized?

How should I be Water Baptized?

What is the meaning of Water Baptism?

  1. Who should be Water Baptized?
    1. All Believers should be Water Baptized. Acts 8:37
  2. Why should I be Water Baptized?
    1. I should be Water Baptized to Follow Christ's Example. Matthew 3:13-17.
    2. I should be Water Baptized to Obey the Command of Christ.  Matthew 28:19.
    3. Water Baptism was taught and commanded by the Apostles.  Acts 2:38
  3. How should I be Water Baptized?
    1. I should be Water Baptized by Immersion.  Matthew 3:16; Acts 8:36-39.
    2. The definition of the word Baptism - in the greek is "BAPTO".  [Cloth Dying]
    3. What does it mean?  To dip down in under, to overwhelm, to completely cover.
    4. Believers Baptism by Immersion.
    5. We do not sprinkle or pour for baptism.
    6. We do not practice infant baptism.
    7. We do practice . . .
      1. Dedicating our Children to Christ by faith trusting God to help us raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord. 1 Samuel 1:28
  4. What is the meaning of Water Baptism?
    1. It is the Identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.
    2. At the Baptism of Jesus 4 things happened.
      1. Prophecy was Fulfilled.
      2. The Trinity was Revealed.
      3. Jesus Identified with sinful humanity.
      4. The Father is Pleased.  2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 6:3-4
      5. When we are Water Baptized we bury the "Old Man" - The Nature of Sin.  Romans 6:6
      6. Water Baptism is about Believing and Making Jesus the Lord of your Life.
      7. Many people have been Water Baptized but they did not believe.
      8. But they never made Jesus The Lord of their Life.

When You are Water Baptized . . .

You are saying to the world . . .

Jesus is my Savior, My Lord . . .

I am following His example and teaching from this day forward.