Please join us for a community wide service where we pray for our city, county, state and nation.
City on Our Knees
Area churches will join together to pray for our nation, our state, our city and our community.
Family Day
Join us for service where we will pray over all those going back to school including students, faculty, staff and parents. After service we will travel to the church property at 7607 Howard Hill for lunch. Please bring a desert to share. We will provide lunch.
Men’s Call to Prayer
Bridge Men, Let’s join our local brothers and answer the men’s call to prayer. We will meet at the Beacon of Light Christian Center, 214 S. 17th Street in Fort Smith, Arkansas.
An Intimate Time of Prayer and Worship
Join Beth Blythe as she leads us in an intimate time of prayer and worship in preparation for Sunday services each week.
Wednesday Praise – Prayer – Worship – Intercession
Join us on Wednesday nights at 6 pm.
The sanctuary will be open from 11-1 and we will have prayer and Bible study at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays from October 5 till the week before Thanksgiving.
Upper Room Prayer
What we pray on Wednesday happens on Sunday!
Upper Room Prayer
What we pray on Wednesday happens on Sunday!